Knights of Gartania

During the month of October in 2018, and the days that followed it in November, I a series of knight character as part of the Inktober challenge. I dubbed these character the Knights of Gartania and proceeded to work on them in my spare time.

From there I coloured them using a limited pallet of 3 colours (Teal, Crimson, and Black), and prepared them for print.

To help fund the cost of printing I ran a successful kickstarter that from Feb – Mar 2019 and raised £1646 which allowed me to get it produced as a hard-backed novel. I marketed, and subsequently edited, the book as a Dungeons and Dragons character book as I felt this would both help the book sell, and also present me with a challenge to showcase my work in a way that I hadn’t done so before.

For each of the Knights I wrote up and created simplified characters sheets for readers to use within their games, complete with family trees and weapon descriptions.

As part of the project I also created 3 poster designs, 2 of which I had risoprinted and were edited pages from within the book, and the third I had digitally printed and was also use as part of the cover of the book.

If you wish to buy a copy of the Knights of Gartania then you can do so on my Kofi, here

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