Hi, I’m Nathan Hill, an independent illustrator based in the UK.

Floaty Food Books

Floaty Food Guides are books that I have created about a specific countries cuisine. The books feature multiple dishes in alphabetical order, with space for you to fill it out should you ever get the chance to try the dish.

Click on the book to learn more about it.

Knights of Gartania

Gartania is a fictional locational that i have created, and the Knights are characters who live there. I have created 2 books to date and an online webcomic about the knights, with the books containing information and stats about the knights should you want to play as them in your Dungeons and Dragons game. There is also a lot of bad puns.

Click on the image to learn more!

Knights of Gartania 1
Knights of Gartania 2:
Lords and Ladies
Patchwork Knight Webcomic

Professional Work

These are the various projects I’ve done in a professional capacity for various clients.

Click on the image to learn more about it.

Collaborative Work

Independent Work

University Work

Blog at WordPress.com.